- 2001 -



Why British history is perhaps a mystery to the young


6 Nov

So-called civilised society: from "best fighter" to "the richest man"


15 Oct.

The Administration's fear of Al Qaeda's uncoded message


7 Oct.

One should at least try to understand the enemy, i.e. Bin Laden


25 Sept.

 Contra a citizen's dubious right to anonymity


25 Sept.

Trains are sustainable, planes are not


21 Sept.

For less anonymity and more security


18 Sept

Sacrificing one's life for a higher cause


15 Sept.

Learning from history - not to provoke the evil you wish to avoid


13 Sept.

Our own culpability for the attacks on America II


13 Sept.

Our own culpability for the attacks on America I


10 Sept.

Globalisation is good for us - says the foreign secretary


9 Sept.

Time for a voluntary MAXIMUM WAGE for the wealthy


9 Sept.

Thank God for the end of Christianity!


8 Sept.

Immigration - from the point of view of an indigenous Briton


3 Sept.

Space Ship Earth has a problem - economic growth! (to NYT)


2 Sept.

Contra Pro-Life busybodies (The right to decide when to die)


1 Sept.

Replacing planes with trains (to NYT)


27 Aug

Rather risk a thunderstorm than life (i.e. death) in the city


20 Aug

The Telegraph's moral support for speed camera vandals


19 Aug

My local paedophile


14 Aug

Finding inspiration in the night sky


12 Aug

The immorality of film stars' "earnings"


12 Aug

God's chosen people


22 July

The tragedy of Brush instead of Gore


21 July

Concorde: a supreme example of Anglo-French and human folly


21 July

The damning light thrown by Jeffery Archer on the Tory leadership


3 July

Spaceship Earth also has a problem - The American way of life!


1 July

If the International Criminal Court is to realise its potential . . . .


23 June

Is Kenneth Clarke running for his party or for the tobacco industry?


19 June

Europe and America need each other as friends not adversaries!


16 June

The straws threatening to break the camel’s back


15 June

Bush makes European leaders look enlightened by comparison


24 May

The race to oblivion - Sponsored by the Sunday Telegraph!


24 May

Look to Germany and Keep Britain Tidy!


29 April

DNA tests expose the world’s oldest and cruellest deception


25 April

Schumacher's 2-week driving ban for speeding


23 April

A lack of civil courage


19 April

From the ideal of a "classless" to that of a "multicultural" society. Plus text of speech on immigration to the annual conference of the German Green Party (Stuttgart, 9 March 2001)


18 April

For the guardians of political correctness, just mentioning race is "racist"


17 April

This culture of violence (response to Telegraph commentary on youth violence)


17 April

Race, immigration and political correctness


10 April

Sino-American standoff: a sequel to "Familiar tactics"


10 April

The ugly face of conservatism: ET commentary on euthanasia 


08 April

Familiar tactics: China's demand for an apology from America is reminiscent of the Bush campaign's demands for Al Gore to concede the Florida election.


06 April

A constitution for a European federation : The German President's speech to the European Parliament


05 April

An interesting light cast on the American psyche


04 April

Could M.I.T.'s Web venture  herald  a moral revolution?


02 April

Rejection of Kyoto protocol, take two


30 March

Bush’s rejection of the Kyoto protocol - perhaps a blessing in disguise


28 March

Houston, we have a problem” (Letter to New York Times)


28 March

Towards a new Golden Age of Railways (The Chunnel link is worth it!)


21 March

President Bush's "long-term energy plan" (Letter to New York Times)


21 March

A woman's absolute right to decide


20 March

Letter to The New York Times: The American economic model and the values on with it is based are non-sustainable


18 March

Securing NATO with the euro


17 March

From noble gesture to world-saving principle: fair and maximum wages


16 March

 Non-PC_01: Leaving the English and the Welsh to it


15 March

Facing up to the main cause of death and injury on our roads 


15 March

America, wake up! (Letter to The New York Times)


14 March

The British Army's noble stand against Page-3 pinups


6 March

A "disgraceful act of cowardice" is what President Bush called it


5 March

The more interesting topic of conversation


23 February

 Fishing for a solution to sustainability 


21 Feb

Britain's role in keeping Europe and America together


20 Feb

The most momentous issue of our times 


19 Feb

Recognising the real threat behind global warming


19 Feb

The first step towards a universal DNA databank


8 Feb

ADSL in Germany


6 Feb

Labour's new logo


6 Feb

The need for a comprehensive DNA databank


5 Feb

The motorcar's "insignificant 0.5%" contribution to greenhouse gases 


30 Jan

Letting the motorcar go 


28 Jan

Slow down, you move too fast . . . 


28 Jan

Investing in global warming 


22 Jan

Role models we could do without: Bill Clinton and Jesse Jackson


17 Jan 2001

The Archbishop's insight contra ET Opinion


Previous letters to the editor