To: Electronic Telegraph <>
Re: Role models we could do without
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001
Dear Sir/Madam,

After reading your report on Jesse Jackson's first public appearance since it became known that he has fathered an illegitimate child, I couldn't help wondering how he would have reacted if, after thanking his wife, "a virtuous woman", as he refers to her, she had replied, "That's okay, Honey, you are not actually the biological father of 2 of our children" (Jackson goes public to thank his wife, 22 January 2001).

If it weren't for the tragedy that it would mean for the children, one might almost wish it on him.

On the same subject: I don't like the way the author of your report mixes things up. 

Surely the consequences of what Jesse Jackson did, fathering an illegitimate child, are far worse than what Clinton did with Monika Lewinsky, which was and should have been left an entirely private affair. Jackson sired a child who will never have a proper father, and who will have to come to terms with the knowledge that his creation was a mistake and cause of great regret.

Clinton's real crime was not his sex life, but to lie to us all with such pretentious self-righteousness (wagging his finger at the camera), and then, when the truth came out, not to apologise and resign - thus costing Al Gore the presidency and putting America back a decade instead of preparing it for the challenges of the 21st Century.
It is Clinton's and Jackson's dishonesty and hypocrisy, their lack of integrity, that is so sickening - not because it isn't entirely human, but because they have both struggled to attain positions of great influence, where more is rightly expected of them, because they are role models for millions of people. 

Some role models! 

And worse still, they continue to defend and maintain the facade of their phoney integrity!

Is it any wonder that there is so much cynicism in the world?