To: Electronic Telegraph <>

Re: : The Telegraph's moral support for speed camera vandals

Date: Mon, 20 August 2001


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Dear Sir/Madam,


To the editor who penned today’s leader in response to the vandalising of speed cameras on the A40 by motorist “who have had enough” (Fast and furious, 20 August 2001; Motorists vent fury on speed cameras, 20 August 2001)


The main cause of death and injury on our roads is speeding.


The best way to combat speeding is to increase the chances of speedsters being caught and punished (not fined but simply and justly banned from driving if they are unable or unwilling to keep to the rules, which are there for the very good purpose of preventing accidents and saving lives!).


The way you twist reason to justify the Telegraph’s moral support for the speed camera vandals is beyond contempt.


When are you going to put away your puerile toys and joys (fast cars) and grow up?