To: "New York Times" <>

Re: Bush makes European leaders look enlightened by comparison

Date: Fri, 15. Juni 2001




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In response to NYT article: Deep U.S.-Europe Split Casts Long Shadow on Bush Tour, 15. June 2001


Dear Sir/Madam,


I am sure that many Americans are well aware of just how misplaced their President's stance on global warming and the Kyoto protocol is. He makes European leaders look enlightened by comparison,  which - believe me - is no easy task!


But in truth, the Kyoto protocol does not go nearly far enough.


Because of their disregard of a very simple fact, no government has so far recognised the magnitude of the threat posed by the impact of human activity on our planet's climate and life-supporting ecosystems:


The economy (the household of man) is only sustainable WITHIN the bounds of ecology (the household of nature).


President Bush is not the only madman still insisting on putting the economy first.


What is needed is a radical reassessment of our economy and lifestyles, and the values and aspirations on which they are based.


If we carry on the way we are, our children are going to curse us.