To: "New York Times" <>

Re: The straws threatening to break the camel’s back

Date: Sat, 16. Juni 2001




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In response to the article “Deep U.S.-Europe Split Casts Long Shadow on Bush Tour” June 15, 2001


Dear Sir/Madam,


We all know the story about the straw that broke the camel’s back, so let the camel represent Earth's finite carrying capacity.


We do not know exactly how many straws it can carry, but we do, or should know by now that there is a limit - which, if we carry on piling on more and more straws, we are going to exceed.


Presently one quarter of all the straws are American, although really you are only entitled to one twentieth (corresponding to your proportion of the world’s population).


The developing world is striving to catch up with you, but long before they do, the camel is going to be on its knees.


All of us (rich and poor) have a vital interest in keeping the camel on its feet.


When is America finally going to recognise the danger posed by its non-sustainable economy and lifestyles, and the materialistic values and aspirations on with they are based?


You led the free world to victory against fascism and communism.


The question now is, are you going to lead us to victory in the struggle for sustainability, or to our doom?