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These 3 comments were removed from the following thread, on Cif's 3rd birthday - so perhaps it should just be put down to oversensitivity and immaturity.
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Enemies of free speech online are everywhere

by Jo Glanville, 14/03/09


14 Mar 09, 2:07pm

We could start right here on Cif, were a certain degree of censorship (which could be a lot worse, of course, than it is) occurs under the transparent cover of "moderation".

2nd Post

15 Mar 09, 10:50am

The more the moderators censor suggestions that they acting as censors the more they reveal themselves as just that: censors!

Of course, they have the POWER to delete any posts they don't like (including this one), but in so doing they trample the very principles on which the Guardian was founded into the ground . . .

3rd Post

15 Mar 09, 2:56pm

"Enemies of free speech online are everywhere."

Never has a truer word been spoken, or found such immediate and flagrant confirmation . . . !