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Bigotry in Belfast

by Fionola Meredith, 18/06/09


18 Jun 09, 6:04pm (removed without trace)

Moderation, please take note: this post has been checked and double checked for compliance with Cif Talk Policy.


" . . if you honestly believe that ' exact, but equally extreme, opposite of Nazi racial ideology' then I, equally honestly, believe you need medical help."

I'm sure it is not how you mean it to be taken, but that is what the Soviet Union often said about dissidents whom they locked in mental institutions for daring to contradict state ideology and authority . . .

Research shows that the first thing most people notice about a stranger, alongside gender, is their ethnicity (of which skin pigmentation provides, not the only, but the most immediate and striking indication). Why? Because Homo sapiens evolved as a "tribal animal". It was within our tribe, and the group of closely related tribes (NATION) it belonged to, that all our social emotions and behaviours evolved and developed culturally, but which have now been expropriated (suppressed and harnessed) by the state and religion for their own purposes of social control and manipulation (not all of it bad, but certainly not all good either).

Anyone wanting to become a more mature human being and member of a genuine society (as opposed to a state trough), I believe, must first recognise and then claim back their social and tribal nature (e.g. sense of loyalty and commitment) from the state and religion and take responsibility for directing it themselves.

The Nazi state took dictatorial control of Germans' social and tribal nature in brutal and ruthless, but very effective, fashion, which they rationalised and justified through a misconceived and criminal application of Darwin's theory of natural selection.

This is what lead me to maintain in my previous post that current state ideology (common to all liberal democracies) of "colourblindness", of "indifference to ethnic difference", of "race doesn't matter", i.e. is of no social or political importance, except to evil "racists", is an understandable but misconceived overreaction to the horrors of Nazi racial ideology, which it is effectively the exact, but equally extreme opposite of, thereby offering a rational explanation for what has happened in liberal democracies over the past 60 years: the MADNESS of allowing mass immigration into already, natively and unsustainably, overpopulated countries and creating a multiethnic "society" and potential powder keg, where previously there had been none.

The truth is that "race DOES matter", for a deep and meaningful sense of personal and group identity, and is thus indeed of considerable social and political importance.


Here my first two attempts to post the same slightly altered comment:

18 Jun 09, 10:46am (removed by moderation, and belatedly reinstated)


" . . if you honestly believe that ' exact, but equally extreme, opposite of Nazi racial ideology' then I, equally honestly, believe you need medical help."

The first thing a normal (unindoctrinated) human being notices about a stranger, alongside gender, is their ethnicity (of which skin pigmentation provides, not the only, but the most immediate and striking indication).

Why? Because Homo sapiens evolved as a "tribal animal". It was within our tribe, and the group of closely related tribes (NATION) it belonged to, that all our social emotions and behaviours evolved and developed culturally, but which have now been expropriated (suppressed and harnessed) by the state and various religions for their own purposes of social control and manipulation (not all of it bad, but certainly not all good either).

Anyone wanting to become a more mature human being, as member of a genuine society (as opposed to the state trough we depend on at the moment), must claim back their social and tribal nature from state and religion and take responsibility for it themselves.

The Nazi state took dictatorial control of Germans' social and tribal nature in brutal and ruthless, but very effective, fashion, which they rationalised and justified through a misconceived and criminal application of Darwin's theory of natural selection. In an understandable but misconceived overreaction to the horrors this gave rise to, the liberal democracies which helped defeat them adopted the "exact, but equally extreme, opposite racial ideology".

This is my claim, which offers a very reasonable explanation for what has happened in liberal democracies over the past 60 years: the MADNESS of them allowing mass immigration into their already, natively and unsustainably, overpopulated countries and the creation of a multiethnic melting pot and powder keg of a "society" where previously there had been none.

I'm not suggestion that it is the whole truth, but worthy nevertheless, of serious academic consideration, study and discussion, rather than being dismissed as the machinations of someone "in need of medical help".

5th Post

18 Jun 09, 2:51pm (removed without trace)


" . . if you honestly believe that ' exact, but equally extreme, opposite of Nazi racial ideology' then I, equally honestly, believe you need medical help."

I'm sure it is not how you mean it to be taken, but that is what the Soviet Union often said about dissidents whom they locked in mental institutions for daring to contradict state ideology and authority . . .

Research shows that the first thing most people notice about a stranger, alongside gender, is their ethnicity (of which skin pigmentation provides, not the only, but the most immediate and striking indication). Why? Because Homo sapiens evolved as a "tribal animal". It was within our tribe, and the group of closely related tribes (NATION) it belonged to, that all our social emotions and behaviours evolved and developed culturally, but which have now been expropriated (suppressed and harnessed) by the state and religion for their own purposes of social control and manipulation (not all of it bad, but certainly not all good either).

Anyone wanting to become a more mature human being and member of a genuine society (as opposed to a state trough), I believe, must first recognise and then claim back their social and tribal nature (e.g. sense of loyalty and commitment) from state and religion and take responsibility for directing it themselves.

The Nazi state took dictatorial control of Germans' social and tribal nature in brutal and ruthless, but very effective, fashion, which they rationalised and justified through a misconceived and criminal application of Darwin's theory of natural selection.

This is what leads me to maintain that current state ideology (common to all liberal democracies) of "colourblindness", of "indifference to ethnic difference", of "race doesn't matter", i.e. is of no social or political importance, except to evil "racists", is an understandable but misconceived overreaction to the horrors of Nazi racial ideology, which it is effectively the exact, but equally extreme opposite of, thereby offering a rational explanation for what has happened in liberal democracies over the past 60 years: the MADNESS of allowing mass immigration into already, natively and unsustainably, overpopulated countries and creating a multiethnic "society" and potential powder keg, where previously there had been none.

The truth is that "race DOES matter", for a deep and meaningful sense of personal and group identity, and thus, contrary to what the state (and religion) would have us believe, is of profound social and political importance.

This is not the whole truth, of course, but truth enough to demand serious academic consideration and study, instead of being dismissed as coming from someone "in need of medical help".