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A force of nature: our influential Anthropocene period

by Simon Lewis, 23/07/09



23 Jul 09, 9:11pm


A very interesting article, offering a valuable geological perspective on our perilous situation.

However, there is no way that we can learn to "manage our global life-support system", without first recognising and developing an understanding of our OWN Darwinian nature and of the political, social, military and economic power structures it has given rise to.

2nd Post

24 Jul 09, 10:35am (also removed by moderation)

This post is NOT off-topic, but bang on, even if too deep for some (no names mentioned) to recognise.

A very interesting article, offering a valuable geological perspective on our perilous situation.

However, there is no way that we can learn to "manage our global life-support system", without first recognising and developing an understanding of our OWN Darwinian nature and of the political, social, military and economic power structures it has given rise to.