To:    Comment at the Guardian
On the madness of mass immigration, multi-culti society and the "melting pot"
Date: Tuesday 17 October 06


My comment on Guardian leader, "Speak freely but carefully"

We are getting bogged down in details of the problems and conflicts arising from mass immigration, multi-cultural society and the "melting pot", which, along with the threatened accusation of "racism", is preventing us from recognizing and facing up to the sheer MADNESS of it all.
The majority of the native population do not want, and never did want, any of these things, but have had them forced on it by a coalition of capitalism (its need for cheap labour) and the ideologies of Christian/Marxist/left-wing/"progressive" universalism (and the "moral high ground" and self-righteousness that goes with, and to some extent explains, them). Anyone who objects is simply dismissed as a "racist".
We need an open and honest discussion, not just about the details of mass immigration, multi-culturalism and the "melting pot", but about the ideas (ideologies), socio-psychology and economic forces driving it (forcing it down our throats) and preventing us from questioning it.
More of my views on this multi-culti madness at