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Saturday 19 May 2001


German recycling levy on all cans
By Toby Helm in Berlin


GERMAN MPs attempted to destroy the market for canned drinks yesterday by doubling their retail price, voting to impose a 15p minimum deposit on each can.

Risking the wrath of the fizzy drinks industry, Jurgen Trittin, the environment minister, said the aim of the new rules was to end the throwaway mentality. He said: "The compulsory deposit will furthermore ensure that cans and bottles disappear from the scene." Mr Trittin hoped producers would be encouraged by the new system to use more "ecologically advantageous, re-usable packaging".

Germany, governed by a coalition of Social Democrats and Greens, has some of the most stringent rules on rubbish disposal and recycling of any country in the world. Rubbish is separated into five separate categories and placed in different coloured bins: biological waste (brown); plastic (yellow); glass (green); paper (blue); and the rest in black.

But Green politicians, such as Mr Trittin, believe far more has to be done to protect the environment. His proposals were approved by a large majority in the Bundestag yesterday and will go before the Bundesrat, or Upper House, next month. The 15p deposit would be paid on all drinks cans, disposable glass and plastic bottles regardless of content. It would also apply to cans of beer and other alcoholic drinks other than wine.

The average cost of a can of Coca Cola in Germany is about 18p. Buyers could regain the deposit by returning the can to the shop, which could claim it back in turn from the producer even if it had not sold the product itself.

The drinks industry is fiercely opposed to the plan, arguing it would add to its costs because all the cans must be taken back. These cost increases, it says, would be passed to the customer.

Critics of the initiative expect people will start hoarding used cans in the belief that they can cash in fraudulently when the rules come into force.

22 January 2001: [UK News] Green lobby attacks need for 69 incinerators
9 June 1998: [UK News] Homes may face tax on rubbish
29 March 1997: [UK News] Recycling is best way to deal with rubbish, says EU