From: Roger Hicks
Re: Fighting crime
Date: 1 December 1999
My original letter
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SIR - In yesterday's Feedback section you publish three letters protesting the Prime Minister's proposals to extend the DNA databank to include anybody suspected of a crime punishable by a prison sentence [Criminal scheme, Lost innocence, enetic mismatch, Feedback, 30 November 1999].

 Why are some people so squeamish about DNA fingerprinting, when it can be so helpful in catching murders and rapists? Yesterday's edition also contains an article on how a convicted killer was shown, on the basis of his DNA profile, to have been responsible for two rapes ten years previously [Second life sentence for killer trapped by DNA, 30 November 1999]. 

If his DNA profile had been in the databank the woman he murdered would still be alive.

 If it helps to solve serious violent crime - as it manifestly does - I am for extending the DNA databank to all citizens. Provided the Government does its best to prevent misuse, I would be more than happy to volunteer my DNA profile, knowing that it would help the police solve and - above all - prevent many violent crimes. The chances of any misuse must be weighed against this obvious benefit.


Electronic Telegraph