Re: Wind, by the way, is renewable, non-polluting source of energy
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000
Dear Sir/Madam,

I find it odd that the very day you report the collapse of negotiations in the Hague on reducing emissions of green house gases (U.N. Conference Fails to Reach Accord on Global Warming) you also publish an article on the generation of electricity by wind turbines in the US and how it is becoming competitive with other sources of energy (Curse of the Wind Turns to Farmers' Blessing), but without making a single reference to the fact that wind is a renewable energy source that produces zero emission of any kind.

Generating electricity from fossil fuels is only so cheap (and competitive!) because we are plundering and recklessly squandering our planet's rich, but limited resources, instead of conserving them for our children and coming generations.

America, with about 5% of the world's population, is currently responsible for about 25% of global consumption of non-renewable resources and for the corresponding impact this has on the environment (our planet's life-supporting ecosystems) and climate.

It is time you took good long look at the photographs your astronauts brought back from their trips to the Moon showing our blue planet, suspended like a jewel in the inky blackness of space: finite and vulnerable.

The "American (economic) way of life"  is not sustainable on a finite planet with 6 billion inhabitants. If you (with the rest of us following) insist on pursuing it, it will be the death of us all.

Then it will be not "God bless", but "God forgive America".