Re: Why the need for an ID card at all?
Date: Sun, 20 April 2003 

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Dear Sir/Madam,

Given the capabilities of modern information and communication technology, why the need for an ID card at all? (Labour to launch ID card - and it'll cost you £25, 20 April 2003). Would it not be simpler, cheaper and far more effective to simply have everyone's iris scan, photo and personal data, stored on a secure, central computer? Establishing someone's identity would then simply be a matter of conducting an iris scan and checking it against the central data base.

To facilitate the checking procedure, rather than issuing each individual with an identity number, we could all be allowed to chose our own unique code number or name, which would go a long way to making the system less impersonal and thus more acceptable.

We should all have a copy of our personal file, so that we know exactly what the authorities know about us and can contest it if need be.

There should also be the (initially voluntary) option of having our DNA profile included, for those of us keen to help the police narrow down the list of suspects for serious crime.