To:    Guardian CiF
Re:    When are we going to wake up to the ROOT CAUSE of the "Sustainability Problem"?
Date: Sunday 4 February 07

In response to the Guardian article, "We cannot let the Kyoto debacle happen again" by David King (the government's chief scientific adviser) on the IPCC's fourth assessment report on the science of climate change.

Link to article and thread at The Guardian.

When - for Christ's sake! - are we going to wake up to the ROOT CAUSE of the "Sustainability Problem" (including global warming)??!!

It is an ever-increasing population, on our finite and vulnerable planet, of technologically empowered but essentially insatiable human beings STILL dominated by their dumb-ANIMAL NATURE and behaviour. This is the central point that even our most eminent scientists are not facing up to - despite what Darwin is supposed to have taught us about human origins!

The problem is that because, from birth, we are ALL totally immersed in, familiar with and dependent on the existing socio-economic order, it is virtually impossible - not least, because of the anxiety it would cause - to recognise its INHERENT non-sustainability.

Human emotions and behaviour evolved over millions of years to serve the individual and their family group in the struggle for survival and advantage in the "natural environment". With the advent of civilisation, for the individual, this Darwinian (dumb-animal) struggle transferred to an artificial, "socio-economic environment", where - greatly facilitated by the development of free-market capitalism - it continues as the driving force of human "progress".

Only now it is driving us towards disaster, because, in current circumstances, we cannot help but give priority to economics (the household of man in the artificial, "socio-economic environment"), rather than to ecology (the household of our planet in the natural environment), despite it being obvious (were we not blinded by familiarity and dependency) that human survival urgently demands the opposite.

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