To:    Comment at the Guardian
Re:    What I dislike most about the BBC
Date: Tuesday 24 January 07

In response to a Guardian article, "The BBC's cultural Marxism" by Daily Mail editor, Paul Dacre

Link to article and thread at The Guardian.

My previous 2 attempts to post the following comment (now slightly altered) were promptly deleted. Perhaps the editor responsible would like to explain why, i.e. in what way it infringed CiF's talk policy?

The BBC is a national institution, self-interested in maintaining its own existence (understandably) and a sense of British identity compatible with its own in-house ideology and world view. It isn't the worst of ideologies by any means, but it's still an ideology (although a bit of a patchwork and difficult to define), which is being imposed on the people of this country - at their own expense and whether they like it or not. Many (probably most) of us do not like it, but can do nothing about it. So much for our great "democracy"!

It's time we created a much better one, which, thanks to the Internet, we can, and hopefully will, soon start to do.

The BBC has played an essential role in helping to impose mass immigration on this country - in the interests of business and liberal-leftwing (even Christian) ideology, but against the will of the majority - and in consolidating it with the ideology of multi-racial/multicultural society - which it ruthless defends by condemning and dismissing any opposition to it as "racist".

This is what I dislike most about the BBC. I consider mass immigration into our natively overpopulated country and the multi-racial/multicultural society it has created complete MADNESS, but the BBC dismisses and suppresses such views as "racist".

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