From: Dr Robert Reppy, Florida
Re: We are family
Date: 25 October 1999
SIR - I must heartily agree with your correspondent James Andrews of Fairbanks, Alaska [United states, Feedback, 21 October 1999].

The English-speaking peoples of the world have always constituted a de facto union of sorts, tacitly acknowledged by the citizens even when not officially recognised by the various governing bodies.

That union of common interests, heritage, culture, and beliefs has proven to be a most prolific fount of literature, science, and economics; and a most effective supporter of democracy the world has ever seen. It has defeated every combination of military force ever flung against it, and in victory has been a force of liberty rather than enslavement.

For these, and many other good reasons, Great Britain belongs with its mates across the Atlantic, rather than its former enemies across the Channel. We'd love to have you. We're family. They're not.

Electronic Telegraph