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Monday 3 July 2000

Town and country must unite, says Carey
By P J Bonthrone

Holiday plea for African farmers

THE Archbishop of Canterbury called yesterday for a "new community of understanding" between town and country in the face of the farming crisis.

 He also criticised the pursuit of "cheap food at any cost" at an open-air service to mark the start of the Royal Show at Stoneleigh, Warwicks. Dr George Carey said he recognised that the BSE crisis andthe catastrophic fall in commodity prices had sapped the morale and well-being of farming families. The sense of rural isolation had deepened.

 The Archbishop, addressing farmers at Britain's largest agricultural show, said: "What we must promote is not a divisive and arrogant self-interest but the unifying humility of responsible stewardship. That means striking a balance; we cannot view the countryside simply as a green and pleasant country theme park, nor can it be treated merely as agriculture's factory floor. Town and country have to come together if we are to build a true community."

 Referring to the collapse in prices paid at the farm gate and the purchasing power of the supermarkets, Dr Carey said: "The priority cannot be cheap food at any cost - it must be healthy food at a price which is fair to producer and consumer alike. And that requires others to become partners in a new community of understanding as well."

 The Archbishop said that the Church and clergy "remained deeply rooted - as they have been for centuries - in the life of the countryside and its people". He added: "We say to our farmers: thank God for you. For your love of nature and for your industry. Let us find a new future not in an antagonism between town and country but in building new communities which trust one another."

 Earlier this year the Bishop of Exeter, the Rt Rev Michael Langrish, and the Bishop of Truro, the Rt Rev Christopher Budd, wrote to Tony Blair to raise awareness of the plight of farmers in the West Country. They told the Prime Minister that the whole rural way of life was in jeopardy. The Bishop of Guildford, the Rt Rev John Gladwin, also said recently that he was concerned about the decline in agriculture in his diocese.

 Ben Gill, president of the National Farmers' Union of England and Wales, said last night that it was important to establish what people wanted from agriculture and what farmers wanted from society. He said: "As society becomes richer, its demands on any production industry become more complex and more onerous," .

 He accepted that farmers must explain countryside practices to urban dwellers and persuade them to buy British food by choice if they could show it was superior. But he added: "You cannot change your relationship to farmers overnight.

 "It is a long-term industry with very great problems because of the high value of sterling and its resulting low profits. You cannot pile regulation after regulation and cost after cost on British farmers while happily buying imported produce from farms which face none of these problems.

 "You will soon be flogging a very sick donkey if not a dead one."