Re: Time to connect the dots - and face up to the picture that emerges . . .
Date: Wednesday 28 September 05


Dear Editor,


You are right, it is "time to connect the dots" (Today's Editorial). But we should also take a deep breath in preparation for the picture that will emerge, because most people (including yourself, I suspect) are in for a shock.
If we are to achieve sustainability for 7-9 billion people on our finite and vulnerable planet, Spaceship Earth, before a ruthless mother nature does it for us, we have to make some very radical changes to our economy and way of life, along with many of the values, attitudes and aspirations which underlie them.
We have been living in denial since Meadows et. al. published The Limits of Growth more than 30 years ago, and are now in for a rough ride whatever we do (certainly our children and grandchildren are). However, the longer we wait, the rougher it is going to be. If we wait too long, it will be a ride to extinction.