Re: In defence of the right to tell and laugh at jokes that are non-PC
Date: Thu 26  February 2004

Dear Editor,

This letter is to declare my support for the "right" of Ann Winterton, and anyone else, to tell or laugh at jokes, no matter how non-PC they may be ("Whip removed from Tory MP over race joke").

When I think of all the "Irish jokes" I've told and laughed at . . . . !!

Obviously there are circumstances when certain jokes can be highly inappropriate, hurtful, offensive, or whatever (perhaps the circumstances surrounding Ann Winterton's joke were such), but that is an entirely different matter.

It seems to me that those now condemning Ann Winterton are carrying their morals on their sleeves, attempting to show the world what morally superior beings they are. In the past they might have been "good Christians", condemning anyone who dared express doubt about the existence of God or the truth of the Gospels.

It is time to stand up and be counted. 

I am with the politically incorrect, and with Voltaire when he said words to the effect: I may not agree with your views (or sense of humour), but I will fight to my last breath for your right to have them and to express them.