Re:    The blessed (soon to be cursed) generation

Date:  Friday 18 November 05

Dear Sir/Madam,
I found myself strongly identifying - initially, at least - with Tom Utley and what he wrote in today's Telegraph, "Pensions don't worry me or Mr Blair", since I too belong to the "blessed generation" of post-war Englishmen (West Europeans, North Americans etc).
Even more than Mr Utley, I realise that besides belonging to the first generation of the privileged masses (in contrast to the privileged few that there have always been) - the way things are going at the moment, not just in this country, but globally - it will also be the last, which in a way, from our own selfish point of view, makes us doubly blessed.
From a more objective point of view, however, in the not so distant future, we will be the "cursed generation". Not that it need bother us, of course, since we will be dead and gone. It will be our own children and descendents who will curse us - for plundering and spoiling the wonderful planet that we inherited and (if there were any justice) should pass on in as good a condition as we received it.
Your former proprietor, Lord Black, it seems, is a prime example of what a criminally irresponsible generation we are ("Conrad Black faces eight counts of fraud"), not withstanding that most of the plundering and spoiling is done within the law.
If we had an ounce of decency left in us, we would take a rope and hang ourselves - or, alternatively, radically change our ways.

