March 24, 2004

The Path to a Healthier America

The transportation bill that's now before the House of Representatives is likely to be controversial for all sorts of reasons, given President Bush's concern for symbolic cost-cutting and Congress's love affair with road-building. While that debate goes on, we hope that someone focuses on this oddity: at a time when the nation is obsessively worrying about obesity, the bill seems to do everything it can to make sure that Americans continue sitting in their cars for as much time as possible.

Some 80 percent of the six-year $300 billion bill would go to road-building projects, with most of the rest financing mass transit. Less than 1 percent would be allotted for pedestrian and bicycle paths.

By giving Americans more reasons to pick up the car keys instead of their sneakers, the bill gives new meaning to the word pork.

The Natural Resources Defense Council, a national nonprofit group focused on the environment and public health issues, has been urging Congress to do its part and require state and local transportation planners to consider how they can address the problem of obesity. Most outings in and around cities are less than three miles, but the way cities and suburbs are structured practically begs residents to take those short trips behind the wheel.

Expending calories instead of gasoline flattens stomachs and strengthens legs. Having fewer cars on the road would also lead to cleaner air. The nation would be thinner and healthier and would breathe easier. Perhaps lawmakers should take a walk and think it all over.

Copyright 2004 The New York Times Company