From: Roger Hicks
Re: At the heart of Europe: There are now more reasons than ever for Britain to throw its lot in with Europe
Date: 21 March 2001
Original letter Letter from another reader

SIR - Concerns about the Euro army undermining Nato will best be met with Britain firmly in Europe, where we will be able to give the Germans the support they need in resisting French pressure towards independence from America [US launches attack on Euro army, 18 March 2001].

 On this issue the Germans are our closest (and strongest) allies. If we remain on the periphery, on its own Germany may not have the strength or resolution to resist French pressure.

 This alone is reason enough for joining the common European currency and getting both our feet in Europe as soon as possible.

 Another very good reason is that when fluctuating exchange rates destabilise the world economy, as is bound to happen, sharing a common currency with our most important trading partners will be an immense advantage to our economy and to employers and employees alike.

 And yet another strong argument for joining the Euro is that it will give democratically elected politicians more say in influencing world trade and finance, which are currently at the mercy of non-democratic, profit-oriented international corporations.

 Let us prepare to give a big thank-you and a dignified farewell to the pound, which is also a large chunk of our history and national identity that we are emotionally attached to - which is why one hears so many irrational arguments for keeping it.

 No one wants to "scrap" the pound, but it is time and in our best interests to move on.

 It is a pity that we will be late (as usual) joining our European neighbours. But let us do so as soon as possible - with conviction and the intention of being the cement that will keep Europe and America firmly together.


Electronic Telegraph