Re:     Response to Mark Steyn article
Date:  Thursday 24 February 05

Dear Mark (Mr Steyn),

Fortunately, before responding to your article in Tuesday's Daily Telegraph ("The strange death of the liberal West"), I visited your website. I like your style: you revel in criticism - the more so, the more damning it is.

You are obviously a very bright person (certainly a lot brighter than me), but do you ever consider the possibility that you might be (perhaps very badly) mistaken in some of your views or attitudes? 

I believe that you are fundamentally and dangerously mistaken, particularly in respect to population (the need for more babies, when Europe is already overcrowded) and the ability of "human inventiveness" to secure our (including your own children's) future.

Your talents and the opportunities you have for using them in influencing public opinion give you a great deal of power. 

I am sure that your intention is to use that power for the good of society in general and your own children in particular. I am equally sure that the views (attitudes) you advocated in Tuesday's Telegraph will have the very opposite effect, leading us to the biggest tragedy in human history.