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Tuesday 20 February 2001

Price we could pay for global warming
By Thomas Harding and Gordon Martin in Geneva 

THE WORLD faces dramatic and potentially disastrous climate changes caused by global warming before the end of the century, a report warned yesterday.

They will include melting polar icecaps and glaciers, the disappearance of countless species of animals, birds and plant life, farmland turning to desert, coral reefs and Caribbean and Pacific islands sinking. The predictions came in the most comprehensive study conducted into the state of the world's environmental health.

 Europe and North America could experience the fall-out from harsh climatic conditions predicted for the undeveloped world. By the turn of the 22nd century, human suffering could increase dramatically with droughts, famine and floods on an unimaginable scale.

 The potential disaster, with its major impact on the global economy in the 21st century, was set out in a 1,000-page report by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. It was devised by 700 scientists around the world who have been studying the warming problem since 1990.

 The panel's work is said to have ended debate on whether warming is taking place and moved the issue on to the measures that need to be taken to tackle it. It lists a series of big and irreversible impacts to natural systems. Billions of people may go thirsty, prompting an exodus from drought-hit regions to the developed world.

 A summary of the report said: "The effects of climate change are expected to be greatest in developing countries in terms of loss of life and relative effects on the economy. Projected climate change will be accompanied by an increase in heatwaves, often exacerbated by an increase in humidity and urban air pollution, which would cause an increase in heat-related deaths and illness."

 It predicts within 25 years 5.4 billion people will live in areas where water is scarce. At present it is 1.7 billion. Prof James McCarthy, co-chairman of the panel's working group, summed up the finding in Geneva. 

He said: "There are reasons to believe that the adverse effects that are experienced in some regions by the El Nino phenomenon today will become increasingly severe in the future. We estimate that tens of millions will be at increased risk of sea level rise and storms in coastal areas."

 The report calls for work to begin on "adaptation strategies" to help nations and populations to cope with climate change. It has been suggested that charges for water should be increased dramatically.

 Prof Martin Parry, a lecturer at East Anglia University and one of Britain's leading climatologists, said: "The key message that's new here is that, for the first time, we can deduce the first signals of global warming and its effect. The pluses for Britain probably stack up more heavily than the minuses. But we live in an increasingly globalised world where the misery of other countries will come home to hit us."

 Friends of the Earth demanded an immediate cut in the use of fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil. The pressure group also called on European nations to force President Bush to agree a deal on cutting emissions. 

Roger Higman, the group's senior climate campaigner said: "This report shows that climate change will be a disaster for the world in general and the poorest countries in particular." The panel's critics among the scientific community, say that solid evidence for unusual global warming is not there

Their backers hope the new reports will encourage governments to try harder after they failed at a meeting in The Hague in November to agree on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Last month, the panel projected a potentially devastating global warming of between 1.4C to 5.8C and sea-level rises of between 0.09 and 0.88 metres over the next century, mainly caused by human activities.

 Next month the body is to issue a third report looking at what can be done to slow the process and to help people, as well as animal and plant life, to adapt to changes that are already irreversible. In September, the final report will bring together the conclusions and recommendations in one document which scientists and environmentalists, as well as insurance companies and clean energy industries, will pressure governments into action.

 Prof Parry said: "We have the skills and technological know-how to adapt to a lot of climate change but we haven't yet managed to act together in marshalling them. If we don't do that, then we know the consequences."