To:    Comment at the Guardian
Re:    Christianity, a dying religion. What we share now is a FAITH in the POWER of MONEY
Date: Sunday 24 December 06

In response to an article, "Our leaders should listen to this man of monstrous ideas", in the Sunday Observer by Richard Holloway on the importance of Jesus

Link to article and thread at The Guardian.

I strongly disagree with Christianity's fundamental doctrine, which I believe has greatly retarded human development, notwithstanding the positive SPIN that has been placed on Jesus' (Christianity's cuddly frontman's) teachings throughout history and in the above article.

This doctrine states that we are SINNERS (fallen angels) for having disobeyed Gods commands, as portrayed in the biblical story of the FALL of man.

Absolutely central to Christian belief is that Jesus was the SON of GOD who died on the cross to atone on behalf of mankind for this terrible sin, so that instead of suffering eternal damnation as punishment, he might be saved and granted eternal life in heaven.

If you don't believe that, at least in principle, then calling yourself a Christian, it seems to me, is pretty vacuous. Which is why Christianity, I suggest, and notwithstanding its continuing immense historical and cultural importance for Western civilisation, is a dying religion.

It is well worth rereading the story of Adam and Eve (the FALL), because the first part of it offers a beautifully symbolic account of the human situation, of what distinguishes Homo sapiens from (other) animals: the appearance (through the evolutionary development of his brain) of an increasing level (in some individuals, at least) of awareness and self-awareness.

That was an amazing insight. But then, the ancient author, instead of recognizing it as a positive development, portrays it as entirely negative, describing in the second part of the story how God curses Adam and Eve for having dared to disobey God's command not to eat fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, which would give him knowledge and awareness, i.e. make him like God himself.

Accordingly, Jesus died on the cross so that men and women who believe in him might be forgiven the terrible SIN of aspiring for knowledge and awareness, i.e of wanting to develop into truly human beings.

Why did the ancient author (probably subconsciously) want people to be ashamed of becoming human (aware and knowledgeable)?

Because, I suggest, he wanted them to continue submitting to God's word - which he, and his fellow priests, were in charge of and, of course, used to their own advantage.

More in this vein at

2nd Post
The one FAITH we all embrace, since it is necessary to life in modern society, especially at CHRISTMAS, is in the POWER of MONEY.

MONEY, holy be thy name, thy kingdom come, they will be done, . . . . And so it IS. We are obsessed with and addicted to it, because it has become the focus of our Darwinian struggle for suvival and advantage in the socio-economic environment.

MONEY is one of man's greatest inventions, without which civilisation could not have developed nor modern society be sustained. It has been with us since ancient times, but we have not yet learned - nor shown much interest in learning - how to use it responsibly.

Instead, our animal nature and behaviour (which the Abrahamic God cursed us for trying to leave behind - see previous post above), aided by a prodigious, but unenlightened intelligence, has used and developed it as the most versatile form of POWER in the struggle for survival and advantage in the artificial "socio-economic environment", which, with the advent of civilisation, for Homo sapiens effectively replaced the natural environment.

More on my evolutionary-anthropological approach to society (including religion) at

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