To:    Comment at the Guardian
Re:    North Korea joins the Nuclear Club
Date: Tuesday 10 October 06

The cartoon by Peter Brookes in today's London Times, "In the Club", says it all:

The fact is that we ARE on the road of nuclear proliferation, which will INEVITABLY lead, sooner or later, to nuclear strikes and wars - a succession of them, if we continue along it, ending perhaps in a final global conflagration.

This is where we ARE heading. We can either face up to it, or remain in denial, as we also are in respect to the INHERENT non-sustainability of our rabid, growth-dependent economy and grossly materialist lifestyles (and lifestyle aspirations).
The reason we are in denial of the two biggest threats to human survival is that they both stem from our own animal nature, which not just religious literalists are loath to acknowledge and face up to. Our entire socio-economic order (the state, the economy, virtually everything) is deeply rooted in our animal nature - unsurprisingly, in view of what Charles Darwin is supposed to have taught us about human origins.
Unless we face up to this root cause of our problems and put our minds, hearts and hands to creating an alternative socio-economic order, rooted in our more enlightened, human nature, we will not solve them, but soon be off to join the dinosaurs.
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