To: Whoever is interested
Never mind Africa; they are not the main problem - WE are!
Date: Friday, 1 July 05


There is a great deal of naive enthusiasm at the moment for the idea of "making poverty history".


The idea is a distraction and completely misconceived, because the wealth and power of the West itself is based on an economy and lifestyles that are fundamentally unsustainable, along with many of the values, attitudes and aspirations which underlie them.


As natural resources are depleted and the destruction or disruption of our planet's life-supporting ecosystems and climate progress, the curve of global wealth creation will flatten out, before moving steadily, if not precipitously, downwards.


Poverty will inevitably increase (not decrease) in the coming decades and the only prospect most people will have of escaping it, will be through death.


Unless we wake up to the situation and begin the momentous task of creating an economy and ways of life that are sustainable.


Never mind Africa. They are not the main problem. WE are!