Re: The need for a national Voluntary ID (VID) databank
Date: Sat, 6 September 2003 


Dear Sir/Madam,

Modern mass society provides ideal conditions of anonymity for criminals, asocial elements, and now terrorists to operate in (In Same Case, DNA Clears Convict and Finds Suspect, 6 Sept. 2003).


However, modern science gives us the means of lifting this anonymity, by creating national databanks of personal identification, including DNA profiles, finger prints and iris scans.


Serious crime and the threat of terrorist attack would be drastically reduced if such databanks existed.


The trouble is, because of its current association with criminality and the fear of misuse, most people are very reluctant to provide such information, and will remain so, until mounting crime and further terrorist attacks change their priorities.


In the meantime, I suggest the creation of national Voluntary ID databanks for those, like myself, who have nothing to hide, fear crime and terrorist attack more than misuse of my VID data, and want to set an example towards creating a transparent, “nonymous society” of responsible citizens.