Re:    AIDS and global warming: "Nature's way" of dealing with human stupidity
Date: Monday, 5 June 06

Dear Editors,

I sympathise with those affected by AIDS, global warming (which eventually may claim 100's of millions, if not billions of lives) and all the other natural impacts on the human population of our planet, and am very thankful that they are not yet affecting me personally, although eventually, one way or another, they will, of course.  But this is Nature's way of re-establishing equilibrium and sustainability in the face of one particular species (our own) getting out of hand.
We have brought it upon ourselves, so there is no justification in us claiming victim status, especially since Nature has given us the potential, at least, of recognising and understanding the situation and the consequences of our own behaviour, which is responsible for AIDS, global warming and Nature's other means of reducing our numbers and the devastating impact we are having on our planet to sustainable levels. They are feedback mechanisms, which we see as threats, but which are necessary for the greater good of our planet. It is US who are the threat which must (and will) be contained or eliminated.
Our leaders and politicians, who, as a group, are more responsible than most for getting us into this mess, insist on being the ones to lead us out of it, but they cannot; they just make matters worse!
The root cause of the problem is that we are "Prime Apes" (pronounced rather like "primates"), in fact, Earth's "Greatest Ape", but don't want to admit it.
We are driven by our primitive animal nature (our leaders in particular, who call it "ambition" or "competition"), which our growth-dependent economy has developed and been honed to take full (and thus such effective) advantage of. This is why modern life is such a "rat race": because we are under such pressure to behave like rats, i.e. animals.
Nature, however, has given some of us, at least, the potential to transcend our animal behaviour, to become "Aspiring Apes", in pursuit of our higher, more enlightened, human nature - what the Judeo-Christian (concept of) God cursed us and threw us out of Paradise for.