May Day, money and morality

David Haslam
Saturday May 1, 2004
The Guardian

May Day has become a symbol for those who oppose the present form of neo-liberal globalisation, which is creating further inequality, failing to tackle poverty and undermining the Earth's sustainability. Trade has always been essential, but it now threatens our environment in two ways.

The first is the vast amount of goods transported between countries - including Danish bacon sold in England and vice versa; the second is capital's urgent need to find new ways of propagating itself. The latter leads to the taking over of essential human services, like water, housing and energy, for profit.

The recent book, Property For People, Not For Profit: Alternatives To The Global Tyranny Of Capital, by the German theologian Ulrich Duchrow and the Latin Amer ican-based economist Franz Hinkelammert, argues for a new set of values. They take us through the development of human attitudes to property, suggesting a continuing battle between those seeking to amass personal assets and those wishing to see the Earth's resources used for the common good.

They believe the first private property arose in ancient Greece, in the late 8th century BC, where Aristotle distinguished between the "natural" economy - supplying households and broader society with good for basic needs - and the "unnatural" economy - increasing monetary property for its own sake. The first created community; the second destroyed it. As an antidote, Aristotle proposed ethical education and political prohibition.

The battle also emerges in the scriptures. The Hebrew slaves freed from Egypt settled in clans in the promised land, but around 1,000BC opted for a monarchy. Kings, however, accumulate property, the habit spreads, large landowners eat up smaller ones and society divides into haves and have-nots. The landowners ally with the military, the civil service and the court to assume political and economic power.

The prophets had a different project; knowing God was identical with creating justice for the poor. Amos harangued the ruling class, promising that small farmers would be restored to their land and enjoy its produce. A restorative legal system was laid out in Leviticus; ch 25 especially rejects the absoluteness of property. The land belongs to God.

Jesus picks up these themes, urging the people not to steal or defraud. He tells the rich, young ruler, "Sell all you have and give to the poor" - not as charity but as justice. He challenges the profit-making systems of Herod and his gang, the Romans and the Temple hierarchy. In John's Gospel, he tells the moneychangers, "Don't turn my father's house into a market."

Above the portals of the Royal Exchange, in London, is carved a text from Psalm 24: "The Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof." Beneath it yesterday, the JustShare coalition organised songs, prayers and a sermon, challenging the City to review its values and practices. If inequality grows and our fragile Earth crumbles, is it not time to review our commitment to property and profit? The City should behave more responsibly, and the government should ensure it does.

May Day provides Christians with an opportunity to sing "Let there be for all a just share," for Bishop Mandlate, of Mozambique, to pray that the City would "globalise the profits made here for the benefit of all" and for the Rev Leslie Griffiths to call for all to have full and fair opportunity to trade their goods, and participate in economic life.

The idea of the common good needs to take deeper roots in our selfish society. The belief that individual private property can enable us to protect ourselves and live forever needs to be exposed. Aristotle's "ethical education and political prohibition" may not be enough; a faith element, inspiring commitment and sacrifice, may also be necessary. The best years of humanity may be over because we could not contain our individual greed against the higher calling of the common good.

· The Rev David Haslam is a Methodist minister and a member of the JustShare planning group


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