To: New York Times <>
Re: The Florida stalemate: a historical perspective
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000

Dear Sir/Madam,

While the Florida stalemate fills most of your headlines, the negotiations in the Hague concerning global warming and emissions of greenhouse gases barely find mention.

Yet historically the Florida stalemate will only be of interest in respect to its effect on America's stance on global warming and other aspects of achieving sustainability on our planet - Spaceship Earth - with its burgeoning population and their ever increasing material demands, but with its finite resources and limited carrying capacity.

Which president will have the insight (and guts) to tell Americans that if they don't want to be cursed by their own children and grandchildren for wrecking their future, there are going to have to be some fundamental changes?

America is currently leading the world towards ecological disaster.

We need you to lead us away from it - i.e. towards achieving sustainability - before it is too late.