From: Roger Hicks
Re: Satisfaction guarantee
Date: 12 February 2000
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SIR - In principle, I agree entirely with the Government's attitude of combining the "right to work" with the "responsibility to accept work." Taking from society, as we all do, demands that we all contribute to it [New law to halt benefit for work-shy youngsters", 11 February 2000]

However, those with satisfying, well-paid, or both satisfying and well-paid jobs should think twice before condemning others, who, faced with the prospect of having to do a dissatisfying, badly paid job, opt for unemployment benefit instead.

 I cannot think of anything worse than having to work for any length of time at a dissatisfying job for a low wage - except perhaps being a galley slave.

 We need to give attention to the sadly neglected task of providing everyone not only with a job, but with a job that offers satisfaction and/or adequate remuneration.

 This would reduce crime and make for a much happier society.


Electronic Telegraph