Re: Helping black people succeed
Date: Friday, 7 October 05

Dear Mr Scott,
After reading your article in today's Guardian (Sacrifice of a generation), I cannot help noticing, and remarking, that there is not a single prosperous black state anywhere in the world, not in Africa, the West Indies or anywhere else; which is why, of course, so many black people have emigrated to or sought asylum in Britain and other European countries, creating all the problems that go with mixing people of different race and culture. It is also why black people - as a group rather than as individuals - are not respected in the way that other peoples are, who have created prosperous societies of their own (e.g. Israelis, Japanese, Chinese, Koreans).
When black people are "successful" it is virtually always within societies that are essentially, because historically, white, which makes them beholden to that white society. Having "made it" in the white man's world, people like Trevor Philips - with the best of intentions, I'm sure - preach to their fellow blacks on how they too can be successful in a white man's world. But maybe, just maybe, what most black people really need is their OWN society to be successful in, making use of Western science and technology, like everyone else, of course, but deeply rooted in their own African origins. We are always being told that skin colour is irrelevant, except to "racists", but that is not true. It is a genetic marker which indicates a person's geographical and ancestral origins. If that is not important, I do not know what is!
Europeans are still under shock from the Nazi experience, with its insane and criminal misuse of the concept of race, which has taken many of them to the opposite extreme of denying that race has any significance at all. But it manifestly has a great deal of significance, which eventually we will have to face up to - hopefully, in a humane and enlightened fashion.
I want to see black people (people of African descent) succeed, along with all the other peoples of the world. I also want to retain racial diversity, and my own racial identity (as a "stupid white man"). So please, stop sucking up to white men (as you have to when you live in their society) and complaining when they are less than welcoming towards you, and create your OWN independent society (societies).
That way, we might hope to create a truly diverse, humane, just and sustainable world, which we certainly won't do by continuing on the current, well-intended but grossly misconceived path of multi-racialism and multi-culturalism.