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Monday 3 July 2000

Farmers could make money by composting stores' waste
By Charles Clover, Environment Editor

HARD-UP farmers could be earning extra money by composting waste vegetables, flowers and fruit from supermarkets within a year or two, according to a research project to be unveiled at the Royal Show today.

 Faced with rising landfill tax on the tens of thousands of tons of unsold food that supermarkets presently dump, Sainsbury and Waitrose have entered into a scheme with the Newbury-based Organic Resource Agency to develop ways of composting waste from edge-of-town and rural stores all over the country.

 Under the scheme, funded by landfill tax credits, 29 stores are sending waste to a Berkshire farm where the agency, part of Elm Farm Research Centre, is assessing the best method of turning it into compost to be used to grow either organic or conventional food.

 Sainsbury produces more than 77,000 tons of waste a year from its stores, only nine per cent of which is food in good condition that can be used by charities. Nearly all the rest goes to landfill and attracts landfill tax of £11 a ton. Elizabeth Young, of Sainsbury, said: "We think composting could provide an excellent alternative to landfill. The rising cost of the landfill tax and the growing mountain of waste means that as a major retailer we have to look at alternatives." 

Sainsbury says that composting is marginally more costly than landfill, but the chain is expecting this to change as a result of the landfill tax escalator announced in last year's Budget. In the scheme, the waste is removed from its plastic packaging before it is taken to an organic farm owned by Peter Kindersley, the publisher, near Lambourn.

 There it is composted by one of three methods: windrows, or piles 12ft wide by 6ft high that are turned by a modified tractor; under a Gore fabric cover which retains some of the moisture (and some of the smellier gases such as ammonia); and in a special container with computer-controlled aeration. The compost reaches a temperature of between 50C and 60C, winter and summer, and is ready to spread on the land within four weeks.

 Dr Hugh Bulson of the Organic Resources Agency, who is in charge of the Green Recycling of Organic Waste from Supermarkets project, said it allowed farmers to be "part of the solution" rather than simply a market for the compost from municipal schemes. He said: "Farmers are the best people to undertake composting. They understand machinery and biology."

 Everything from carrots to coconuts can be composted, although the latter can be dangerous when turned over by the flailing arms of a modified tractor. Sainsbury envisages paying farmers a fee, say £5, for every ton of waste composted and paying the haulage costs. They hope to remain in pocket compared with the present £25 a ton cost of landfill.

 More than 10 tons of compost can be spread per acre without infringing the Soil Assocation's organic rules, so the waste from 29 stores is enough to fertilise and improve 42 acres of land.