Re: Environmental alarmism or our addiction of a growth-dependent economy? 
Date: Saturday, 12 February 05

Nicholas Kristof (NYT OP-ED) on environmental alarmism

Dear Nicholas (Mr Kristof),
When a doctor warns his patient - an alcoholic still in denial of his addiction - that he has to radically change his drinking habits, he is likely to be accused of exaggerating the problem and being "alarmist".
As a civilisation, we are addicted (quite literally) to our growth-dependent economy and grossly materialistic lifestyles. Our dependency on them makes us blind to the fact, and to the consequences that must ensue.
Instead of facing up to the difficult truths contained in the Club of Rome's book, "The Limits of Growth", back in the early 1970's, we went into collective denial. Environmentalists are not being alarmist (at least, not this one), any more than that doctor.
Either we get dry, or we die.
Greetings from across the pond (where it all started)
Roger Hicks