Re: Deep in denial about what we are doing to our planet

Date: Friday, 16 September 05

Dear Editor,

It doesn't surprise me that many of the world's largest companies did not respond to a survey which inquired after their attitude and response to the threat of global warming ("Global companies snub survey on climate change"): like the rest of us, one way or another, they are in denial of it.

Yes, even you, dear friends, at the Guardian. Not as deeply, of course, as the spokesman for News Corporation (see below), but in denial nevertheless. And not surprisingly, given the magnitude of the threat and of the changes to our economy and way of life that facing up to it demands, if we are not to leave it to a ruthless mother nature to do the job of achieving sustainability for us.

Climate change is just one symptom of an underlying PROBLEM: the fundamental non-sustainability of virtually our entire socio-economic order. It is no wonder we are finding it so difficult to come out of denial, since it requires us changing much that that we are familiar with and dependent upon.

The response given by the spokesman for News Corporation is particularly relevant: "I think it's pretty obvious that a media company does not have a carbon issue . . . [climate change is] an issue that clearly is not relevant to our business." You won't find a clearer expression of the depth of denial than that: What has it got to do with me?!

News Corporation may not be directly responsible for much in the way of carbon emissions, but it carries huge responsibility for maintaining and encouraging the values, attitudes and material aspirations (its stock-in-trade) which make our economy and way of life so utterly unsustainable.

You will find more details about the root cause of non-sustainability, why we are still largely in denial of it, and how we can get the PROBLEM sorted, on my homepage at I'm sorry if this sounds a little presumptuous, but please, at least, check it out.