Re: No, Mr Porritt, Capitalism cannot save the world
Date: Saturday, 5 November 05


Dear Editors,

Yesterday's contribution by Jonathan Porritt, "How Capitalism can Save the World", made profound and very sobering, reading.

I agree with his analysis that the current situation on planet Earth is utterly unsustainable and taking us towards catastrophe on an unimaginable scale. However, I disagree with his assertion that "Capitalism is now the only economic ball game in town", and all that can save us. That's like saying that the only way to save one's soul is by selling it to the Devil.

It is the values, attitudes and aspirations (or at least, many of them) which underlie our current socio-economic system, which are fundamentally unsustainable, since they are deeply rooted in our animal nature, and behavioural programming which evolved over millions of years to serve the survival and advantage of individuals and family groups in the natural environment, not in the artificial socio-economic environment of modern mass society, where it now operates and dominates our behaviour (including most economic activity, which is why we continue giving priority to the household of man (the economy) rather than to the household of our planet (ecology), despite human survival demanding that it be the other way around).

The only way to save the world is for us to create an alternative, sustainable socio-economic order, rooted, not in our animal nature, but in our more enlightened, human nature. The really great thing about Western democracy is that it gives some of us, at least, the freedom and the means to do this. No one forces us to slavishly follow our primitive, animal programming, despite the System, by its very nature, putting us under immense pressure to do so. Those of us who have come out of denial (about how we are plundering and spoiling our planet) and recognise what is at stake (for our children and coming generations) are free to take up the challenge (the greatest mankind has ever faced!) As more and more people also come out of denial and realise what is at stake, they too will want to join us. Everyone, when they are ready and at their own pace (coercion is counterproductive). As the alternative grows it will be possible to transfer more and more of our activities and dependences to it.

Time is running very short. We need to get a move on. Otherwise, we (our children and coming generations) will be in very deep trouble.