Re: Stephen Gough and British morality/depravity
Date: Sat 4 October 2003


Dear Sir/Madam,

No wonder so many young people nowadays grow up totally confused and morally disorientated, when they learn from the media that a naked rambler is repeatedly arrested and imprisoned for exposing his body, not lewdly or to make money, but as an expression of personal freedom and in celebration of the human body (at least, I hope that is why he is doing it), while going into the local newsagent (and sweetshop) they will see so-called newspapers with lewd headlines and pornographic photos of young women on display (A few hours of freedom for the naked rambler, 4 October 2003):

Stephen Gough

Moral depravity


Why do we find such depravity and immorality at the local newsagent? Because someone is making money out of it, of course.

If Stephen Gough were to show a little lewdness and sell his story to the media, perhaps the law would realise that he is just being normal and leave him in peace.