From: Peter Laverick
Re: Bird's-eye view: 
We need to see firm scientific evidence before taking action on global warming
Date: 30 November 2000
Original letter

SIR - I must admit to chuckling when I read the comments of Roger Hicks. I thought immediately of Chicken Little crying out that the sky was falling down [Apocalypse soon, Feedback, 28 November 2000]. 

Mr Hicks seems to have accepted that global warming exists without worrying about the need for scientific proof. Nowhere in his diatribe is there any reasoned argument, only a quasi shaman-like passion to pronounce doom and gloom unless we change our ways. 

Aye, there's the rub; Mr Hicks wants us all to be controlled in the name of some false God of global warming. Well, I for one do not intend to bow down before Mr Hicks's false idols.


Electronic Telegraph