From: Anthony Butler, UK
Re: Are the politicians sane?
Date: 21 July 1999

SIR - I refer to the item today about how some Tories are upset with the comments made about BAT's irresponsible advertising in the third world [Clarke leads defence of the tobacco industry, 20 July 1999].

 How typical that political parties look to their future hand-outs from the tobacco companies rather than real-life issues such as the long term effects of smoking and tobacco-related illness.

 Once again we see a major UK political party willing to sacrifice voters in order to remain popular with business.

 We've seen Labour bow down to tobacco, now we see the Tories attempting appeasement too. Considering the enormous amount of bad press the tobacco industry has received, I would have thought any sane person would wish to dissociate themselves from them. 

But there's the rub, huh. Are the politicians sane? 

Electronic Telegraph