To:    The New York Times
Re:    The fantasy of "One Nation"
Date:  Saturday 17 December 05

Dear Sir/Madam,
After reading her contribution to today's op-eds ("Australia's dangerous fantasy"), it seems to me that Eva Sallis is the one with a "dangerous fantasy", i.e. that people of different race and culture can be united within one national identity. It is an American myth, designed to unify a nation of immigrants (which works tolerably well with people of European origin, because they have so much in common, but not with people of very different race or culture). It is also a left-wing myth - elevated to a moral principle and high ground from where they, the "goodies", can justify and defend their own niches with the feared arrows of "anti-racism".
There will never be a black or Muslim president so long as most Americans are white and Christian. Minorities have no choice but to go along with it, if only to qualify for the benefits of American citizenship. One shudders to think of the future conflicts which will occur when demographic shifts make it a real possibility.
People naturally tend to identify with their own ancestors, history and culture. We all do, except those with none to be proud of, perhaps, or who are more concerned for their leftwing/liberal identity (niche), or are preoccupied making and spending money, or watching TV.


